St Hilary's Church Erbistock
All are welcomed in this beautiful little church in a most amazing setting on the banks of the River Dee
Any enquiries to Revd. Sue Huyton
[email protected]
[email protected]
OR visit their FaceBook page - St. Hilarys Church, Erbistock
All are welcomed in this beautiful little church in a most amazing setting on the banks of the River Dee
Any enquiries to Revd. Sue Huyton
[email protected]
[email protected]
OR visit their FaceBook page - St. Hilarys Church, Erbistock
Sad News For St.Deiniol's Church, Eyton
[email protected]
Dear Friends
The Future of St Deiniol’s Church, Eyton
It is with great sadness that the Church Committee has decided that Eyton Church is no longer viable as a worshipping community. As part of the process of moving towards closure, we are consulting all local and interested parties. There are several factors which have led us to this decision.
1. Few people regularly support the church at services and fundraising events and the congregation has been dwindling for some time. Last year average attendance was 7.5 (both pre and post lockdown). The monthly Family Service had a slightly higher number so regular weekly attendance was even lower.
2. The annual running costs for 2020 were £10383.64. The balance in our unrestricted accounts at the end of the year 2021 is forecast to be about £1500.
3. Several repairs were identified as being needed in our last Inspection and in 2017 their cost was judged at £18k. We were going to tackle them as part of a re-ordering scheme, which has not come to pass because we have not been able to raise the necessary funds.
4. The pandemic has been the final blow, because we have not been able to fundraise at all. This has only sharpened the difficulties we already faced.
We are told that the building is likely to be converted rather than demolished, so that it will not look very different from the way it looks now. Worshippers will be able to go to several other local churches in the close vicinity. Our commitment to our local Church in Wales School in Eyton remains undimmed.
If you have any comments you wish to make, or need further information in response to this letter, please send them to me as soon as possible. If a face to face meeting is shown to be needed by the responses received we will of course hold one.
Susan M Huyton
Rector and Mission Area Leader
Happier Times below!
On Saturday 19th July Eyton Church held its annual Eyton Mess and Summer Fete at Yew Tree Cottage in Crabtree Green. It was very well supported and a large number of people turned out in defiance of the torrential rain we had in the morning. Fortunately the forecasted thunderstorm held off in the afternoon and much fun was had by all! Raffle prizes included vouchers kindly donated by the Cross Foxes, Plassey Hair Studio and Lewis' Farm Shop and a total of £528 was raised for church funds. Many thanks to those who helped to prepare and serve refreshments and man the stalls and all who supported us, especially Eyton School PTA who let us use their gazebo! |